Social Security Calculator

This calculator uses fields from the Social Security Administration’s Social Security Quick Calculator; amounts are calculated directly from the SSA website. Enter your date of birth and your earnings in the current year. Or, if you are retired, enter the last year in which you had covered earnings and the amount of those earnings. If you are not yet retired but know the date on which you plan to retire, enter the month and year of retirement. Then, click the appropriate option to view the benefit estimate in today’s dollars or inflated dollars.

Click the calculator icon to submit the information to the Social Security Administration’s website and retrieve your benefit estimates.

Social Security Calculator

  • * if retired
  • ** if known

Select to see your benefit estimate in:

Note: The Social Security Administration’s website provides information about retirement, survivors, disability insurance benefits and supplemental security income. The website also provides wage reporting information for employers. The SSA does not endorse Web Builder CS or the use of this calculator.

The information provided by these calculators is intended only for general information and educational purposes.  The calculated results are intended for illustrative purposes only; accuracy is not guaranteed.  The default figures shown are hypothetical and may not apply to your situation.  Please consult a financial professional for advice regarding your personal circumstances.